If you lost your job or were furloughed this year, 你的公司可能已经支付了你的休假或遣散费. If this is the case, you likely applied for unemployment benefits, once you could get through on the busy phone lines! And now, with tax time approaching, 你可能想知道你收到的钱是否欠税, and if so, when and how you need to pay the tax.

Is my furlough pay or severance taxable?

Unfortunately, 是的, 雇主给你的任何休假工资和遣散费都要纳税, 你的雇主可能会从你的工资中扣缴税款. 收入和预提将包含在您1月份收到的W-2中. 你将在2020年的纳税申报表上报告W-2信息,并支付任何到期或到期的税款, fingers crossed, claim a refund for overpayment.


If you received unemployment benefits, you will owe federal income tax on those benefits, 你会收到一份1099G表格,报告你的收入. You may owe state income taxes as well, 除非你住在六个不对失业救济金征税的州之一(加州), 蒙大拿, 新 Jersey, 俄勒冈州, Pennsylvania and Virginia), 或者是七个不征收州所得税的州之一.

预扣税不会自动从失业救济金中扣除, so unless you opted to have taxes withheld anyway, no taxes were withheld.


No, afraid not. 截至2020年6月,每周600美元的流行病失业援助补助金增加了国家失业救济金. 这笔补偿金将包括在1099G表的应税收入中.

Here’s a glimmer of hope

如果你当年的收入较低,那么你的纳税等级就会较低,这就减少了你所欠的税款. 但即使你不打算在4月15日的截止日期前提交申请并付款, 考虑在一年的第一天之后尽快准备你的纳税申报表. 这会让你对你的税务情况有一个现实的了解,再加上你有几个月的时间来筹集支付税款的资金.

When it's time to file your taxes, TurboTax® is here to help!

From simple to complex taxes, TurboTax has you covered. And when you need help, 真正的专家随时待命,甚至可以帮你报税, start to finish with TurboTax Live®. 获得尽可能多的退税从未如此容易. And as a credit union member, you can save up to $15 on TurboTaxClick here to get started today!

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